Boxing Live

Boxing Live is a free boxing game with many different game modes and fighters.

Creating a boxer:
Before you get started, you will have to create a boxer. You can change the name and hometown as well as the following styles: hair, face, skin, gloves, and shorts. The best feature is choosing attributes. A new character starts out with 15 out of 100 of the following attributes: power, speed, stamina, chin, and toughness. There is an additional 50 attributes than can be places anywhere you choose. Attributes are earned through winning matches as well as training.

Once a boxer is created, go take him into training. In training, you follow the coach and punch where he tells to. This is a great way to increase your attributes in power and speed. Also, this will increase your knowledge of how to play the game.

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The actual boxing portion of the game, here you will compete against the computer in a boxing match. You use the arrow keys to punch, the CTRL key to throw a haymaker, and the spacebar key to get up if you get knockdown. There is only one fighter unlocked, out of a total of 13 fighters. There is also four arenas to choose from. To start, you are a featherweight playing a featherweight. To unlock the next fight, you have to beat the first fighter. There are three featherweights, one lightweight, three welterweights, two middleweights, three heavyweights, and the final boxer is an earthweight. Beat them all and you beat the game. In each round, you gain more attributes which improve your boxer. Watch where you put the attributes, as you may be better as a certain skill and weaker elsewhere.

To review, "Boxing Live" is a great free game to play, especially for a boxing fan. There is strategy involved with the attribute portion of the game. The training mode is a great feature of the game. You can practice with your boxer, earn attributes, and improve your skill on the game. It isn't as simple as hitting a bunch of buttons to win, you will have to choose the right time to throw the haymaker. I recommend this game to anyone who enjoys fighting and boxing games.

Play now Boxing Live! You won't regret it!