Get All the Answers in WikiHow Game!

The WikiHow Game is an entertaining use of the WikiHow site to generate a challenge and a few laughs for the players. is a site that gives the answers on how to do just about anything imaginable. From practical answers like 'How to tie a shoelace' to abstract and socially ambiguous answers like 'How to tell if your crush is attracted to you', has all the answers.

The other notable thing about wikihow is the illustrations that go with all its answers. These illustrations are somewhat infamous online, as they frequently have to try to depict confusing or complicated situations without words. Frequently, they're bizarre or amusing, and this is what the WikiHow Game leverages.

The WikiHow Game presents the player with an image from an actual page and asks the player to guess which page it comes from. The player gets a dropdown of four choices from which to guess. A correct answer in this quiz game is greeted with a success screen, and increments the score counter. An incorrect answer decreases the player's percentage correct.

To give an example of what you might get on any given round of the WikiHow game: You are given a drawing of a young woman wearing glasses and a tshirt printed with an image of glasses and a red circle and cross over them. Your options would be 'How to win a race', 'How to be a hipster', 'How to make yourself famous on Youtube', and 'How to know know when you'll get your first period'.

So which of those 'How to's matches the picture? If you guessed 'How to be a hipster', congratulations! In this case, it seems that the anti-trend sentiment of the shirt with the no glasses print must be indicating a hipster mindset.

After each guess and result, the WikiHow game also links you to the actual page from which the image was taken, so you can take a look for yourself. This is especially useful when you genuinely can't understand how a given picture goes with a 'How to' page, as happens from time to time.

Overall, the WikiHow Game is a nice little change of pace, and frequently gets a chuckle or a bemused scratch of the head at some of the picture/topic combinations. Many times, you can narrow it down to one or two options, but sometimes it's almost impossible to get it right.

Half the fun of the game is just seeing those pictures and trying to draw the connection between the topic and picture. It's quite amusing how the artists sometimes make a visual representation of the topic. The WikiHow game is a clever use of the site, and is a fun way to spend a some time online.